Church for Earth emerged out of the whispers of our world. Out of the eddies in the moorland streams and from the wild edges of starlight above those same rivers.

It has come out of the moments where we were caught off guard, straining to catch the tension of the silence between birdsong, and in those moments, Church for Earth, as impulse of life, came, sometimes like lightening, sometimes like a murmur, sometimes like a flood.

It has spoken through the sensations in our cells, the rippling of our hairs along the skin, it has spoken and slowly gathered in the pools of the sky and the deep waters of the earth.

And it moves with its own spirit. It’s own impulse. As a project rooted not in the ideation of the mind, but in the life-pulse of our planet, our bodies as earth, to remember that nature is sacred, and the only religion, if there was one, is nature itself.


At the heart of Church for Earth is an ongoing enquiry AROUND the following questions -

What if spirituality could become not an experience outside of ourselves but an embodied rememberance of ourselves as part of one, alive planet? What if we saw ourselves not as external to Earth, but as expression of it? And what if we learnt to more deeply love each other and the earth from that remembrance?

(Our Spirituality)

What if a church could be a place where people came together to reconnect with themselves as part of earth, and simultaneously took action locally to sustain, rewild, and nature our earth?

(Our Church)

What if the breakdown of our planet and civilisation was not the ending, but an initiation of humanity into unity? (Heartcrack of crisis as initiation) 

(Our Work)

What if our grief and brokenness for our world was not a flaw, but a doorway to belonging with each other and with the earth?

(Our Hope).

What if from this place we chose to stand and move together, powered by the whole in response to planetary emergency?

(Our Call to Stand).

It’s around these core questions that we GATHER AND EXPLORE in service to a world in crisis.



A spirituality grounded in the body.

Our body is our gateway to life. No surprise then that our culture have been so disconnected from it. It is time to change that. Let’s fully inhabit our bodies, with their pain, pleasure, emotion, and aliveness. Bring it all.

A spirituality based in community.

The new age era promoted individuality and self-development, it has failed. Being in community is vital for our healing, for our growth, for celebration, for creation. Let’s come together.

A spirituality rooted in Earth.

We believe the divine lives as much in the Earth and our bodies, as out in cosmos. We believe the miracle is not walking on water, but living on earth itself.

A spirituality engaged in the world.

We want Church for Earth to be a place where spirituality and planetary emergency come together, where living at the edge of catastrophe becomes the doorway to the collective human heart.

We feel spiritual evolution is not a dissociation from the world but a path of becoming more deeply human, in recognition of ourselves as part of one connected planet.

Choosing to live through the heart-crack of crisis.

Download our 2 page introduction to Church for Earth and discover more about why we exist and what our mission is.


Join our Ecstatic Community - a platform to give and recieve support to be human, grow alive and take ecstatic action in a world on fire.e point.